GWO Wind

GWO offshore wind training standard

DHTC offers a comprehensive package of GWO certified safety training for the wind energy industry, both onshore and offshore. Besides knowledge combined with over 30 years of experience and expertise,  DHTC also offers State-of-the-art training facilities at Den Helder,  the offshore logistics centre of The Netherlands.  GWO certificates are recognized worldwide.

We accept



The WINDA ID is the unique personal identification number of individuals (Delegates) that have registered for a profile as a Delegate in WINDA. All Delegates must provide their WINDA ID prior to leaving the Training Provider after passing a Training Module, if they wish to have their training accepted by GWO. 

You can get a WINDA ID by signing up for a Delegate account in WINDA.


No. An offshore medical certificate is not required. The delegate must be fit for work and before the start of the training a Medical Self-Assesment Form must be filled in.


Even if you have participated in similar or longer safety training courses, this does not mean you have been trained in the specific risks that are encountered in the wind industry. The GWO basic safety training standard has been developed in the absence of other relevant and recognized standard safety training, and in addition to addressing the main safety risks of working in the wind industry.

For personnel working on wind projects without direct physical contact with a wind turbine, your employer may deem that your current skills are adequate. Examples could for instance include crew personnel on vessels operating on an offshore wind project, and where mandatory safety training has been completed.