NOGEPA Basic Offshore

Basic offshore certified by NOGEPA

Offshore oil and gas production is a process that continues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  In the event of calamities, it is absolutely essential that offshore workers are able to respond adequately, and are well-trained to be able to take the right actions without losing sight of their own safety.  DHTC offers a range of excellent NOGEPA certified initial safety courses.

We accept




If you would like to work offshore you need valid certificates of the Offshore Basic Safety course (Nogepa 0.5A) and a valid offshore medical certificate.

See also the Standard 001 – Training for the Oil and Gas Industry V4 23012023  for additional information about the training guidelines etc.

All start dates of scheduled courses can be found on the Course detail pages. Select a category & a specific course you are looking for and all relevant information including start dates and available seats will be shown.

If you can’t find a course date please contact our booking office +31 (0)223 62 50 70.


The address of the start location of a course is mentioned in the DHTC order confirmation.
If in doubt about the course location, please contact our Booking Office by Phone +31 223 62 50 70 during office hours.

Yes, according the Mutual recognition, NOGEPA 0.5 courses are accepted in Denmark, the U.K.  and Norway (with additional training).

See for detailed information Appendix 1 Mutual recognition of Basic Safety & Emerg. Preparedness Training as published in the NOGEPA Industry Standard Nr 001.

To maintain and improve the course audit system (and as a consequence the quality control of courses), NOGEPA introduced the “NOGEPA Fee” in July 2013.

The cost of the NOGEPA Certificate Fee is mentioned in the course details as “Registration costs”.